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Advanced treatments for obesity

Advanced treatments for obesity

Obesity is a major public health issue that has returned to epidemic proportions in the western world. Evidence continues to mount that obesity is a major risk factor for many diseases and is linked to substantial morbidity and mortality. Surgery on the stomach and intestines to assist someone who has lost a lot of weight quickly. People who have a body mass index above 40 may be candidates for bariatric surgerySurgery is also an option for people with a body mass index of 35 to 40 who have health issues such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

In addition to a low-calorie diet and regular physical activity, nice presently recommend pharmaceutical treatment for weight reduction maintenance. Pharmacological alternatives are currently limited on the NHS, with the majority permitted for weight loss maintenance in patients with a BMI of >27 kg/m2 and associated risk factors, or those with a BMI of 30 kg/m2.

Endoscopic therapeutic devices for the treatment of obesity have been rapidly developed in recent years, either as adjuncts to bariatric surgery or as an alternative for individuals who may not be suitable surgical candidates, decline surgery due to the risks involved, or prefer a less invasive therapeutic strategy. Endoscopic therapeutic devices for the treatment of obesity have been rapidly developed in recent years, either as adjuncts to bariatric surgery or as an alternative for individuals who may not be suitable surgical candidates, decline surgery due to the risks involved, or prefer a less invasive therapeutic strategy.

  • Dietary therapy
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Orlistat
  • Endoscopic interventions
  • Liraglutide

Related conference:

Anti-Aging Strategies And Bariatric Surgery Conference| Anti-Aging Strategies And Bariatric Surgery Conference | GERD SYMPTOMS In Bariatric Surgery Conference Balanced Diet And Obesity Management Conference | Genetic Obesity And Balanced Diet Conference  | Genetic Obesity Conference 2023 | Genetic Obesity Conference 2023 | Genetic Obesity Conference  | Balanced Diet And Genetic Obesity Conference |Childhood Obesity And Gastric Bypass Conference | Nutrition And Obesity Conference |  Ai In Bariatric Surgery Conference| Nutrition And Weight Manage Conference | Nutrition And Childhood Obesity Conference Childhood Obesity And Genetic Obesity Conference | Gastric Bypass In Bariatric Surgery Conference


 Related associations &societies:

International Obesity Task Force Obesity Management Association | European Association For The Study Of Obesity | Genetic Obesity Association | British Association For Parenteral And Enteral Nutrition | Association For Parenteral And Enteral Nutrition | Healthy Nutrition Society | Weight Matters | World Nutrition Society |Brazilian Society Of Nutrition | Association For The Study Of ObesityAssociation Of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons |   World Obesity Management Association

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